Friday, February 27, 2009

It's True (And Not False): Assert Equality in TSQLUnit

When working with xUnit style frameworks like NUnit, it is generally expected to find support for assertions. Asserts are an indispensable tool in any testing process. Unit testing at its core is simply verifying whether something has occurred or not occurred i.e. checking if the state has changed marking it as either true or false. Built-in assert syntax provides programmers a means to perform this level of testing repeatedly and consistently. One of the more common assertions is to compare the values of two items, such as variables or objects, sometimes referred to as equality asserts. As an example, here is C# test code using NUnit to test a method that simply adds two arguments:
// some static class
public static int Add(int firstItem, int secondItem)
return firstItem + secondItem;

public void Verify_sum_of_5_and_3_equals_8()
Assert.AreEqual(Add(5,3), 8);
Imagine my disappointment to discover the absence of equality assert functionality in TSQLUnit. The framework inexplicably does not have any native support for them. (Perhaps this might be because the project has not been active for a very long time.) Instead, you have to construct your own tailor-made assertions outside of the framework itself.

While using TSQLUnit without the aid of asserts, a definite pattern emerged as tsql plumbing code rapidly began to replicate in numerous tests. Here is an example of a unit test, plagued with the same identical code found in multiple places, whose purpose is to verify whether a 'ProductNumber' column has been successfully updated:
create procedure dbo.ut_CanUpdateProductNumber
declare @expectedProductNumber varchar(40),
@actualProductNumber varchar(40),
@currentAccountID varchar(16)

set @expectedProductNumber = '1234567890'

-- find a account to test
select top 1 @currentAccountID=AccountNbr
from dbo.Account

/* RUN TEST */
-- update product number
update dbo.Account
set ProductNumber = @expectedProductNumber
where AccountNbr = @currentAccountID

-- get updated product number
select @actualProductNumber=l.ProductNumber
from dbo.Account l
where l.AccountNbr = @currentAccountID

if @actualProductNumber != @expectedProductNumber
exec tsu_failure 'The product number is not the same.'
print 'Expected: ' + @expectedProductNumber
print 'Actual: ' + @actualProductNumber

The duplicated code is the conditional 'if' block at the end of the stored procedure where the assertion is executed using 'tsu_failure', the obligatory proc call to the TSQLUnit framework that transforms your tsql code into a real live unit test. All test sprocs are built around this critical function. Unfortunately, 'tsu_failure' does not handle actual comparisons between two values, but only after the comparison has been made. It was not designed to recognize when value comparisons are useful or required. Instead, the surrounding test code is responsible for making that evaluation, in this case, using a custom conditional statement not originating from any TSQLUnit function.

In addition, being accustomed to seeing in NUnit test messages that display the detailed results of value comparisons (i.e. expected against actual), print statements were added to the test procs to simulate that same text. For example, the following is what would be shown if the aforementioned test were to fail:
The product number is not the same.
Expected: 1234567890
Actual: 0987654321
Although a welcomed improvement in the feedback provided by the test runner's results, I found myself repeatedly injecting that same structure over and over in numerous other tests.

When this form of repetition occurs, a strategy can be adopted of either (1) continuing copying and pasting code, (2) using code generation, or (3) formulating and developing some reusable code component to manage the duplication. With # 1 and # 2 being obvious maintenance sinkholes draining away any value earned from the test code, implementing # 3 was a more sensible choice.

To fight off test code rot, the 'if' block was refactored and encapsulated into a separate, shareable stored procedure (think Extract Method). Nothing extravagant but quite effective:
create procedure dbo.tsux_AssertAreEqual
/* This is an extension to the TSQLUnit framework. */
@expected varchar(8000),
@actual varchar(8000),
@failMessage varchar(255)
if @actual != @expected
exec tsu_failure @failMessage
print 'Expected: ' + @expected
print 'Actual: ' + @actual
Calling this new proc provides the familiar, sought-after "Assert.AreEqual" functionality found in NUnit and in a lot of other test frameworks. The old 'if' block in the original test was subsequently replaced with the new assert proc:
create procedure dbo.ut_CanUpdateProductNumber
/*...unaltered code...*/

exec dbo.tsux_AssertAreEqual
'The product number is not the same.'

Now that we have a general utility assert sproc for the varchar type, we still have other data types, including int and datetime, that can also benefit from assertions of their own. Since TSQL does not support a flexible language feature like C# type generics for its stored procedures, creating sprocs for each data type is the only clear option to expand this functionality beyond vachar:
I can understand why the creator of TSQLUnit might have not initially built asserts into the framework since it requires building one for each every kind of data type in TSQL. Therefore, in its place, the burden falls on the user (i.e. me) to add additional asserts to the test code base as the need arises.

One kind of assert involving condition testing that might be interesting to implement but I am uncertain if it is remotely doable is this:
set @sqlConditionToEvaluate = (@expectedColor = 'BLUE'
AND @expectedSize = 23 OR StartDate between '1/1/11' and '2/2/22')
exec tsux_AssertIsTrue(@sqlConditionToEvaluate)
or more concisely:
exec tsux_AssertIsTrue(@expectedColor = 'BLUE'
AND @expectedSize = 23 OR StartDate between '1/1/11' and '2/2/22')
Maybe this could be achieved using dynamic sql and with storing each condition to verify within a 'TABLE' data type variable (functioning as an array) that can be looped checking each one to be true or false. However, implementing complex asserts to this extreme extent is a strong indication that TSQLUnit might no longer conceivably be the appropriate tool to write unit tests. It might be preferable to consider alternate unit testing frameworks that operate entirely outside of the database using a language other than TSQL that is better equipped for elaborate conditions and logic flow.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Paging in ASP.NET using NHiberate

NHibernate, the object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for .NET, supports custom pagination for collections. It provides a potential alternative to the built-in paging mechanism and native support found in ASP.NET GridView web controls. NHibernate exposes in the API for IQuery and ICriteria two methods, SetFirstResult and SetMaxResult, that can be used to enable paging:

Collections are pageable by using the IQuery interface with a filter:

IQuery q = s.CreateFilter( collection, "" ); // the trivial filter
q.setFirstResult(PageSize * pageNumber);
IList page = q.List();

Adding Paging to the Base DAO

The design and architecture of my project, where NHibernate style pagination shall be introduced, was deeply influenced by Billy McCafferty's NHibernate Best Practices with ASP.NET resulting in the proliferation of Data Access Objects (DAO) throughout the guts of the application. Each DAO maps one-to-one to a single matching table in the database.

For example, a 'Task' table would have a corresponding 'TaskDao' in the data access layer (DAL) of the application. All of these DAOs inherit from the same base class 'GenericNHibernateDao' responsible for containing commonly shared code including managing NHibernate sessions and providing generic methods for summoning a specific persisted instance by ID and for saving/deleting an existing instance.

The initial step to implement paging was adding the following members to the aforementioned base class 'GenericNHibernateDao':

public abstract class GenericNHibernateDao : IGenericDao
public int PageSize
get { return _pageSize; } set { _pageSize = value; }

public int PageNumber
get { return _pageNumber; } set { _pageNumber = value ; }

protected int GetFirstResultPosition()
return _pageSize * (_pageNumber - 1);

protected void SetPagingFor(IQuery query)

protected void SetPagingFor(ICriteria criteria)

other non-paging related members...

The property 'PageSize' gets/sets the number of instances expected to be displayed on a web page for a specific strongly typed collection. Essentially, it handles how many rows to return for a embedded control (such as a GridView) on the page. This property is intended to be internally consumed by NHibernate's 'SetMaxResults' method belonging to IQuery or ICriteria. For example:

IQuery query = Session.CreateQuery();

'PageNumber' specifies the set of multiple instances to be returned and displayed on a web page as identified and grouped by a page sequence numeric value (This is the equivalent of 'PageIndex' property for GridViews). For example, if you had a total of five pages worth of data rows then displaying the second page would require setting the page number value to '2' (e.g. _dao.PageNumber = 2). Just as with 'PageSize', this property is intended to be used by the method 'GetFirstResultPosition' as will be explained next.

The protected method 'GetFirstResultPosition' calculates the actual row at which to start paging based on the values provided by 'PageSize' and 'PageNumber'. This method's return value is expected to be passed to NHibernate's 'SetFirstResult' method, once again, part of IQuery or ICriteria. For example:

IQuery query = Session.CreateQuery();

The overloaded method named 'SetPagingFor' performs the actual paging functionality via the 'SetFirstResult' and 'SetMaxResult' methods of IQuery and ICriteria. (As an aside, the use of IQuery to build and execute HQL is much more common on this project in comparison to the almost non-existent use of ICriteria).

The base class 'GenericNHibernateDao' was also modified to have one of its existing methods 'GetAll' call 'SetPagingFor'. (The 'GetAll' method simply returns a list of all strongly type objects in the database without any specified criteria or filtering):

// GenericNHibernateDao class
public IList<T> GetAll()
ICriteria criteria = Session.CreateCriteria(persitentType);
SetPagingFor(criteria); // this is newly added!
return criteria.List();

As it shall be made clear later, this new line of code will optionally provide paging functionality when 'GetAll' is requested, if needed, but not required per se.

Applying Paging Functionality in the DAOs

Now that the base class 'GenericNHibernateDao' has been updated to manage paging, any of its derived DAO classes are instantly equipped to perform paging themselves. To actually invoke the paging functionality for any of the DAOs, simply set the appropriate values for page size and page number as shown in this example for the 'TaskDao' class:

// In context (such as a Presenter or Controller class
// part of an MVP/MVC applied framework)
TaskDao _taskDao = new TaskDao();
_taskDao.PageSize = 20;
_taskDao.PageNumber = 5;
IList<TaskDao> list = _taskDao.GetAll();

Without paging, 'GetAll' would have returned something in the neighborhood of 100 or so rows. With paging, the returned list will instead be only 20 rows starting at row (i.e. position) # 80. While a hundred rows might not sound too substantial, larger sets of data can have a more noticeable effect on your application's day-to-day operations if your table contains tens or hundreds of thousands of rows. Your performance will be progressively impacted as your application scales with more data.

On the other hand, NHibernate's paging will significantly decrease the size of your result set. This is in stark contrast to the default behavior of the existing paging available in any GridView control. If this native functionality of the control is used, it will return all rows from the database and then page them in memory. As mentioned earlier, this can lead to slower performance as your data grows. More on this later.

If, for any reason, paging is not essential for a particular web page in possession of a control bound to a strongly typed list (for example,a very small static list of data) then setting the page size and number properties is not required at all. Simply call 'GetAll' by itself disregarding the 'PageSize' and 'PageNumber' properties and the DAO should return all rows found in the associated database table. What makes this possible is that the default values for those two paging properties are formally declared in the DAO base class to behave as expected for "non-pageable" collections:

public abstract class GenericNHibernateDao : IGenericDao
protected int _pageSize = -1; // default for unlimited page size
protected int _pageNumber = 1; // default for first item in collection

// more members...

Typically, a DAO might have other custom methods that return more narrowly focused (i.e. filtered) lists of typed objects than what 'GetAll' offers. For these other DAO methods, the same pattern can be followed by adding the one line of code calling 'SetPagingFor'. For example, the 'TaskDao' might have a method that returns tasks that were completed in 2006 excluding any other tasks not done within that same year:

// TaskDao class
public IList<TaskDao> GetTasksCompletedIn2006()
IQuery query = Session.CreateQuery(
"some HQL statement that filters tasks by 2006...");
SetPagingFor(query); // newly added!
return query.List();

It is generally good practice not to pass the values for page size and number directly via the parameter list for any of these custom filtered data access methods. A few reasons to avoid this: (a) it can quickly clutter the intent of the method, and (b) it would prevent the paging functionality from being optional and, as a result, become less flexible, less reusable, and more cumbersome to work with.

Consequently, while it would be tempting to write the method's signature as such:

IList<TaskDao> list = _taskDao.GetAllTasksWithSubtasks(
param1, param2, param3, ..., paramN, pageSize, pageNumber);

It is preferable to do the following instead:

_taskDao.PageSize = 20;
_taskDao.PageNumber = 5;
IList<TaskDao> list = _taskDao.GetAllTasksWithSubtasks(
param1, param2, param3, ..., paramN);

The Downside of NHibernate Paging with ASP.NET Controls

As indicated earlier, one weakness of NHibernate's paging when combined with ASP.NET's GridView control involves some loss of "out-of-the-box" functionality. Under more conventional circumstances, when a collection of objects are bound to a GridView control, one of the built-in paging features of that control is to automatically render on the web page the navigation hyperlinks for the pages. For example, you might see following below your control:

" 1 2 3 ... 10 "

The GridView's default behavior assumes that all data bound directly to its DataSource can be paged as long as the number of items of that data is greater than its PageSize property value. Hence, if that condition is met, the control will slice up and present the data as appropriate.

Conversely, this is not true when using NHibernate style pagination. When binding to an NHibernate paged list method, the GridView's PageSize value will usually be set to the same size as the paged data list, a mere subset of the total data found in the database (or data source). Behind the scenes, the PageIndex property of the GridView will reset to zero because the number of items bound to its DataSource is less than or equal to the PageSize. Therefore, the GridView is under the impression that the data it receives is not pageable and, in turn, disables any paging features, unaware that more items do indeed exist but were just not provided at that moment. The paging features lost include not just immobilizing navigation links but also removing the availability of the event handlers linked with changing the page index.

Without the convenience of auto-generating navigation links, two options emerge that might help to produce the same desired behavior:

  1. Inherit from the GridView control and attempt to confirm whether or not if any paging methods can be overridden some how or in some way
  2. Create a custom, reusable user control to implement the navigation features

Initially, the easier path was taken by developing a very rudimentary and simple implementation of option # 2. This entailed providing in extremely basic custom controls functionality for navigating between pages using homemade "Previous" and "Next" buttons. Currently, it is not implemented as a shareable user control nor is it able to display the pages counts. I intend on exploring option # 1 a bit more in the event that option # 2 evolves into something more elaborate and unwieldy. Until then, it is a work in progress.

A third option does exist involving the possible use of the ObjectDataSource control. However, that strategy can lead down a less than desirable path for the following reasons:

  1. loss of control of how the data access is managed
  2. ease of maintainability diminishes if any widespread changes were to emerge in the future within areas of the application relying on paging
  3. disrupts and conflicts with how the MCP/MVC methodology is currently applied on the project
  4. increased difficulties in writing and running reliable automated unit tests

All things considered, despite some trade offs and a little bit of work, leveraging NHibernate's ability to do paging can be an area that could contribute significantly in optimizing and improving the performance of a data-intensive web application.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Test Driven Blogging

Years ago when I first started learning and practicing Test Driven Development (TDD), I became extremely overzealous blindly believing all code needed to be unit tested (one of the more extreme cases were my over-the-top uses of TSQLUnit which included testing simple, low risk DDL changes that, in retrospect, was probably a bit too much with so little to gain.) This attitude was probably a common rookie mistake of becoming enamored with a new methodology (or language or framework or ....) by assuming this is how all software should be written. It is as if I had discovered the elusive magic bullet that a lot of programmers spend most of their careers searching for. Unit testing, along with its subset TDD, has steadily grown in popularity spanning the diverse programming communities spectrum. How could I possibly go wrong in my new found beliefs?

However, this past year, I have seriously reconsidered my views on unit testing. Instead, I have significantly curtailed the use of unit testing by being more selective as to when it should be applied in code. I have realized that while testing is an important tool, it is far from the "be all and end all" that others have proclaimed it to be. Instead, I readjusted my thinking to focus on what is genuinely the most important goal in programming which is to actually deliver good working software in an iterative manner.

On Stack Overflow (SO), Kent Beck an early pioneer of TDD and a creator of JUnit (the precursor for all modern xUnit style frameworks), provided a very interesting and perhaps unexpected response to the question: How deep are your unit tests?

I get paid for code that works, not for tests, so my philosophy is to test as little as possible to reach a given level of confidence.

The reality of what Beck wrote can not be ignored. (At least, I think it's him. The tone and content of his other responses on SO seem to indicate that it might just be.) Principally, working code is more important than the tests themselves. Tests can be just one of numerous methods to achieve the goal of delivering good quality software on a frequent basis but tests must certainly not overshadow this intent.

Along with Beck, it was unquestionably reassuring to read a recent post of Ayende (a notable .NET blogger/developer) that also tackles head on this very topic regarding software delivery and testing:

I want to make it explicit, and understood. What I am riling against isn't testing. I think that they are very valuable, but I think that some people are focusing on that too much. For myself, I have a single metric for creating successful software:

Ship it, often.

Keep in mind these statements are from the creator of Rhino Mocks, one of more popular mock testing frameworks for .NET. Subsequently, it carries a lot weight as it was written by someone who does truly and thoroughly understand the virtues of unit testing and TDD. Ayende is someone who I most certainly admire being as close to the ideal model of a 10x programmer in not just the realm of .NET but in programming in general (some of that admiration stems from being in complete awe of his unearthly prolific blogging). Having him confirm something that I myself have come to realize on my own this past year definitely does help to validate my current views. Quite simply, I have substantially toned down my TDD rhetoric and restrained my testing impulses in favor of renewing my true objectives in programming.

My learning TDD coincided with my learning of .NET and C#. At that point in time, I compulsively consumed the writings of a somewhat noted blogger in the .NET community who relentlessly championed unit testing and TDD. Practically treating this person's words as pure gospel, I considered this individual to be quite representative of the ALT.NET community by serving as one of the leading voices for all that it embodies. This is a community deeply immersed in the ways of unit testing and TDD.

However, with my now newly reformed outlook on software development, I have become much more wary of that blogger's "best practices" crusades. The blog still continues to be obsessively fanatical over the non-negotiable importance of unit testing and TDD almost to the exclusion of any other competing methodologies or tools. Their dogmatic writings assuredly fall into the "focusing on that [testing] too much" camp as described earlier in Ayende's post. Originally, this programmer's "test driven blog" once held one of the few selective spots on my blog's "Blog List" links. But, since it no longer carries the same relevance to me as it used to, I decided to remove it from the list.

Nevertheless, I still read that blog from time to time because it does have great information and observations regarding software development and best practices in the .NET ecosystem. In addition, I still consider myself a TDD practitioner despite reducing the scope and influence of unit testing in relation to my programming style. I just now better grok what my priorities are.